Finapres® NOVA measurement review features
- Full measurement review
- Adding markers
- Adding measurement comments and print comments
- Create measurement reports for (digital) printing
- Beat-to-beat data export
- Raw data export
- GAT video synchronisation*
*This feature is only available with the NOVAscope PC application
Finapres NOVA® measurement review: Easy and flexible measurement review
• All recorded signals can be plotted in graphs and presented as numeric values.
• Users can apply their preferred graph settings, including axis scaling and signal colours.
• During review, signals can be easily added or removed from graphs.
• Various zooming and scaling options are available to view certain parts of the measurement in more or less detail.
• New (predefined) markers can be quickly added to mark important parts of the measurement.
• Review mode is fully integrated with all Finapres applications, including Advanced Hemodynamics, Autonomic Testing, and Guided Autonomic Testing.

Data processing and printing
- The Export Data button provides two types of data export. You can export the beat-to-beat data and the raw measurement data as .CSV files.

- The Print button facilitates various ways to make a print of the measurement. Measurements comments and Print comments can be easily added. All graphs shown in Review Mode are printed in the report. This makes signal reporting fully flexible. Measurement markers can be included or excluded in the report. The report can be printed as PDF file or send to a (network) printer.

NOVAscope PC software compatibility
The NOVAscope PC software is suitable for windows machines with operating systems Windows 7 SP1 and newer.